War Clouds 1940: From "Atlantic Crossings" exhibit (Summer 2024) at Clipper Hall, the Pan Am Historical Foundation's digital library.
"Staying Connected" Ed Dovers Story in film. Segment from Pan Am Historical Foundation's Clipper Hall FilmFest Fall 2023.
Pan Am's Super Clipper, the Boeing 314 flying boat that flew from 1939-1945, a segment from our first exhibit, "Great Expectations" (2023).
Visit Clipper Hall Exhibits Landing Page. This is the place to access ALL our online projects at Pan Am Historical Foundation's digital library.
Fall 2024 FilmFest at Clipper Hall: Videos about Pan Am's Bases, Islands & Oceans from Pan Am Historical Foundation digital library.
Nothing represents the shift from rail to air as the story of the Pan Am Building's evolution & construction over Manhattan's Grand Central.