The Site Map for PanAm.org, main site of the Pan Am Historical Foundation. Content includes Pan Am history stories, video, slides, news & events.
The current list of Pan Am Historical Foundation Officers & Directors led by Chairman Edward S. Trippe & President Adam M. Aron.
Information on the Abrams-Banning Research Grant, sponsored annually by Pan Am Historical Foundation & University of Miami Special Collections.
"Clipper" | Members newsletters. Messages from Ed Trippe-Chair & Adam Aron-Pres. with PAHF project updates & Pan Am-related news.
A Brief History of Pan Am, by Pan Am historian and Pilot Gene Banning with photos of the accomplishments of Pan Am through six decades.
After 32 years the Pan Am Historical Foundation continues its mission to preserve and promote the incomparable history of Pan American World Airways.
Pan Am Historical Foundation Contacts: Emails & Addresses for all of your questions about Media, Research, Collection donations & Membership info.
Clipper Hall: Pan Am Historical Foundation's latest digital library exhibitions for desktops, tablets and mobile at (exhibits.panam.digital).
Repositories with searchable digital Pan Am history collections at Univ. of Miami | DPLA | Duke Univ. | HistoryMiami | SFO Museum | Smithsonian.
Stream online until mid-May 2025: PBS series "Across the Pacific" by Moreno/Lyons, in association with Pan Am Historical Foundation. DVD for purchase.