Selected Audio, Video & Slideshows
A famous Pan Am tour/1: Norman Rockwell Around the World. Rockwell traveled on Pan Am routes, making sketches for Pan Am ads.
Photos of Pan American World Airways' Explorations Era. Bridging oceans and continents by air, reachin across the globe in the age of the flying boat.
Slideshow: An inside look at Pan American World Airways' popular Boeing B-377 Stratocruisers that made their mark on post-war air travel.
Pacific Passage, a Pan Am Historical Foundation video celebrates the 1935 flight of Pan Am's China Clipper across the Pacific (Pelican Films, 2010).
An interview with Ed Musick on his return from the very first Pan Am survey flight to Hawaii, 1935, on Sikorsky S-42 NC923M, "Pan American Clipper."
Explore the lists. Here's a chance to link directly to audio, video and photo selections throughout the site.
A slideshow about the Pan Am Seabase Terminal at Dinner Key, Miami, (Photos: Historic American Buildings Survey, 1934 (Library of Congress).
The video"Cuba Beckons" takes a historical look at Pan Am's Cuban roots and the success of Pan Am's early flights to Cuba (Pelican Films).
Slideshow of the years during World War Two when Pan Am helped secure America's vital defense routes around the world.
Nostalgic photos show Pan American Airways' early days in Old Cuba, on Pan Am's first routes when the romance of air travel was just beginning.
AUDIO Pan Am pilot Dick Vinal recalls flying the China Clipper through a 1930s typhoon alongside legendary Captain Ed Musick.
Hawaii By Air photographs of the exhibit and Pan Am's influence on tourism in Hawaii, National Air and Space Museum visit 2015.
Slideshow of Pan Am in Post World War Two with photos and ads from the 1950s that show just how fast travel changed with new aircraft and routes.
Slideshow A Sunday afternoon at the MAT. Photographs of the Marine Air Terminal and its interior WPA mural taken at LaGuardia in 2012.
Film: Opening of Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia with Pan American World Airways B-314 Yankee Clipper flying boat on display.
Video of the Fall of Saigon reported by Sandy Gall, Vietnam, May 1975. The final days of the Vietnam War via ColdWarWarriors on YouTube.
Slides of Pan American World Airways' R&R flights providing brief respites from the war zone for American troops stationed in 1960s Vietnam.