Pan Am Story Showcase
North Haven Expedition 2: Pan American Airways mounted a second expedition to build a transpacific air bases, completing work on Midway & Wake.
Pan Am's Base at Brownsville, during the early years. Gateway to Mexico and laboratory for instrument flying techniques.
Influential figures in the Pan Am's incorporation March 14, 1927: Investors and military officers who had concerns for the safety of the Panama Canal.
To Europe & Back Non-Stop with Propliners: The Crowning Achievement. In the mid-1950's booming post-war economy air travel was growing fast.
Kingman Reef 1,100 miles from Hawaii, a stop on Ed Musick's survey flight to Auckland in 1937 where the Pan Am base was the SS Northwind.
Searchable Exhibits: Use this Clipper Hall guide for a much closer look at Pan Am's sweeping history through graphics-rich exhibits & films.
The building of Treasure Island Terminal and seaplane base in San Francisco Bay, and the Pan Am flying boats that took part in World War Two.
Clipper Pioneers: Home of Pan American World Airways Retired Pilots and Employees, 1927-1991, keeping Pan Amer's informed & connected.
Flying Cloud's debut: In Feb.1940 Boeing's famed test pilot Eddie Allen & PAA's Francis Jacobs flew the airline's first B-307 down to Brownsville TX.
Upcoming Galas, Special Previews, Celebrations & Tours sponsored by the Pan Am Museum Foundation in Garden City, NY.
Opening of the Jet Age under the American Flag/2. Juan Trippe's goal to improve aircraft performance led to the development of the B-747 and beyond.
Pan Am North Stars Steel Band: Tony Williams, master of steel pan music, top Steel Band in the Caribbean, combined forces with Pan Am.
Celebrating the life of Pan Am pilot Capt. Ed Musick. He is legendary for breaking the isolation of the remote Pacific island of New Zealand.
Pan Am in 1935: Check back for month-by-month stories of PAA people, aircraft, operations, explorations & destinations (90 Years ago series).
“I may lose battles, but no one will ever see me lose minutes.” Pan Am's Promotion of the Dassault Falcon business jet.
Visit displays at Miami International Airport's South Terminal "Hall of Aviation," launched in 2017 in collaboration with HistoryMiami.
The Yankee Clipper: In 1939 Pan Am's Boeing-314 flying boat was christened in Washington, DC by Eleanor Roosevelt, with Juan Trippe looking on.
Feb.1931: A royal pilot, the Prince of Wales and his brother Prince George, accepted invitations from Pan American Airways & Pan American-Grace Airways.
Air Rights: The Pan Am Building, NYC: Now over 60 years old, it has gained fans and maintains a strong presence over Grand Central in Manhattan.
"Clipper" | Members newsletters. Messages from Ed Trippe-Chair & Adam Aron-Pres. with PAHF project updates & Pan Am-related news.
Gerry Lister was the curator of the Clipper Museum in Long Island City, becoming Pan Am’s official historian, an inspirational role then, and now.
Oct. 1, 1932 Juan Trippe ordered the first S-42s from Sikorsky Aircraft. S. Paul Johnson details the plane's features and construction in March 1934.
Pan Am February 1935: "The Way Home" by Eric Hobson. Direction-finding navigation systems that first guided Pan Am planes across the oceans.
World Wings International, a diverse organization for 64 years, with a long history of philanthropic work & event by Pan Am flight attendants.
Marine Air Terminal (MAT) at LaGuardia, still in operation, was New York's first true airport where Pan Am's Clipper ships flew.
Opening the Jet Age under the American Flag/1: Events leading up to the B-707 and Pan Am's fleet in the 1960s took world aviation into the Jet Age.
Pan Am's U.N. Clippers, in those early days of the U.N., Pan Am played a key role with its capable new aircraft, the Lockheed Constellation L-049.
You are invited to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Operation Babylift at the Pan Am Museum on April 24, 2025, 6PM.
90 Years Ago series by Eric Hobson. Pan Am March 1933: "Flying PAA’s Western Division"/Mechanics: Pan Am’s Unsung Heroes"/"Miami Shamrocks"/“I Danced All Night”/“Pan Am Enters China”
Explore the lists. Here's a chance to link directly to audio, video and photo selections throughout the site.
Nothing represents the shift from rail to air as the story of the Pan Am Building's evolution & construction over Manhattan's Grand Central.
Pan Am & the Civil Reserve Air Fleet: When “Uncle Sam” called, “Pan Am was there," arguably one of the most involved US airlines in airlift services.
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