"Pan Am at War" by Mark Cotta Vaz & John H. Hill covers Pan American World Airways' historically important role in aiding the Allies during WW2.
REVIEW: Two Important Books, by Eric Hobson. The years leading up to and during World War II are among Pan American Airway’s most intriguing.
"Pan Am - Personal Tributes to a Global Aviation Pioneer" a beautifully-compiled commemorative book by Jeff Kriendler & James Patrick Baldwin.
Riding the Reef: Carol Nickisher writes about the 2nd North Haven Expedition at Midway and Wake, based on her father's story of Pan Am's work there.
Exciting books - old and new - about Pan American World Airways: Classic history & reference, pictorial, biography, and fiction.
Ron Marasco's book about FDR's dramatic WW2 flight to Africa on PAA's B-314 Dixie Clipper to attend the Casablanca Conference PDF.
Sky Road to Adventure by Lewis Theiss: A popular aviation-action-adventure series, starring Ginger Hale, was linked to Pan Am's early years.
Review: The 747: A Tumultuous Beginning (2015) by Ron Marasco who witnessed history up close as Pan Am's General Manager for 747 Maintenance.
BOOK: "Wings of Freedom" by Al Topping. When Al Topping managed to carry nearly 500 evacuees from Saigon to freedom on Pan Am.
Recent Pan Am-related books that have crossed our desk. And all of them are about or touch on Pan Am’s history and experiences.
"Flight 7 is Missing, The Search for My Father's Killer" by Ken Fortenberry. Reviewed by Peter Leslie, former Director of PAHF.
"Aviation Humor Served Neat," reviewed by Eric Hobson. Not the first book published by Pan Am insiders but it might be the funniest.
“Captain of the Tides: Gunner Morgan” — the book by Charles D. Morgan with Jacque Hillman, winner of the 2022 Bronze Medal for Historical Fiction.
Two reviews of a book by Jon Krupnick on his exploration of the history of air mail transport during Pan American’s conquest of the Pacific.
Christine Yano writes about her research on Japanese flight attendants at Pan Am and the background for her book, Airborne Dreams.
Pan Am-related Books for Kids: Nick Grant Adventure Novels | Historical Aviation Comics | The China Clipper | Timmy Rides the China Clipper.
A close associate of Juan Trippe, "Aviation's Quiet Pioneer John C. Leslie." Authored by his son, Peter Leslie in 2012 & PDF of the book's introduction.
"China's Wings" by Gregory Crouch. An excellent history of the China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC), a Pan Am subsidiary in WW2.