Great Expectations


Great Expectations, Pan Am Building history and more featured stories

New perspectives on Pan Am's storied past with immersive exhibits on the history and impact of Pan American World Airways.

Nothing represents the shift from rail to air as the dominant means of mass transportation as the story of the Pan Am Building's evolution and construction over Manhattan's Grand Central Terminal. The exhibit also takes a look at the 1930s when something different was needed to conquer the oceans by air. The answer was the Boeing B-314 "Super Clipper." "Advertising Pan Am" features a chronological look at promotional material for travel to Latin America. "Pan Am 1932" looks at the company's fifth year of operations. "Archival Insights" covers the 1936 production of "The China Clipper" movie. Visitors can also watch the film, "Europe by Air," in the "Pan Am Theater."

The Pan Am Building:
-Air Rights
-The Design
-The Construction
-A Reality at Last
Advertising Pan Am
Pan Am 1932
Archival Insights
Pan Am Theater