Pan Ams First Lady cover rsz

Shown on the cover of Betty Trippe’s diary — “Pan Am’s First Lady”— are Betty (on the right) who was an indispensable “ambassador” for Pan American and her husband, Juan Trippe, as he built up the airline. Also shown (left) is aviator Anne Morrow Lindbergh who flew two Pan American Airways expeditions — “The Great Circle Route” across the Pacific to Asia (1931) and another across the Atlantic to Greenland and beyond (1933), with her husband and Pan Am advisor Charles Lindbergh.
Betty and Anne were world travelers, both strong women in their own right, with capabilities that helped pave the way to opening Pan Am’s routes around the world.
Anne’s daughter, Reeve Lindbergh, in her Forward for “Pan Am's First Lady: The Diary of Betty Stettinius Trippe”, begins with the travels of the Lindberghs and the Trippes as they flew the first mail flight to Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana (now Suriname) forging a lasting friendship on that 3-week-long trip.



Compiled from the personal diaries of Betty Trippe (Mrs. Juan Trippe) this insightful book offers a unique perspective from the pinnacle of Pan American World Airways, and traces the company’s growth from its earliest days to its successful reach across the globe.

There's lots of adventurous travel, and it's richly illustrated too, thanks to Betty Trippe’s excellent photos and editor/publisher Ron Davies’ maps. Hardcover by Paladwr Press, 1996.

Betty with Juan Trippe back cover rsz


Table of Contents

Forward by Reeve Lindbergh
The Early Years: 1925-27
An Airline is Born: 1927-30
South America with the Lindberghs: 1929
First Across the Pacific: 1936
China Natonal Aviation Corporation (C.N.A.C.): 1936
Round the World: 1936
By Hindenburg to South America: 1936
Back Home by Sikorsky: 1936
Recollections of the 1930s
First Across the Atlantic: 1939
The War Years: 1939-45
Europe and South America: 1946
First Around the World: 1947
Post-War Vignettes: 1946-49
Hawaii (via Mardi Gras): 1950
Buenos Aires: 1950
Europe: 1951
South America (via Liberia): 1951
Europe and the Middle East: 1952
Caribbean, Central, and South America: 1953-54
The Pacific Rim: 1956
South America: 1958
Recollections: 1952-59
Around the World by Jet: 1960
West and East Africa: 1964
Eastern Europe and Russia: 1966
The Pacific and the Far East: 1967
Recollections: 1961-66
Round the World Again: 1968
Addendum: Some of the Team Members

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Back Cover Pan Am Ford Trimotor with Pan Am Boeing 747 rsz